one in every of my cherry shrimp received large. dang.

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  1. Jumbo Shrimp

  2. an absolute unit

  3. Day 3: they are starting to notice that i’m different from them, they will soon realize i’m not one of them, i need a plan to escape before it’ll be too late

  4. I guess being called a shrimp is a compliment now

  5. I know people worry about bettas eating shrimp, but I’m 99% sure that shrimp cooked eat a betta

  6. I was gonna say WTF IS that? Def not a dwarf shrimp lol Carrots huh?!

  7. He is the final boss battle now.

  8. That’s not a cherry shrimp.

  9. Oh she got CHONK

  10. Cool coloration on that amano, lol

  11. Reminds me of a Buddy the Elf situation

  12. The king of the shrimps, the carrot amano shrimp.

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