Assist. Woke as much as useless shrimp.

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  1. People here will ask you for all tank parameters to help give you advice.

  2. What kind of plants? Were pesticides present on the plants? Did you thoroughly clean them before adding them?

  3. Assuming your parameters really are fine, it’s possible that introducing the driftwood and plants all at once was too big of a change and stressed your shrimp. In general slow change is better for the little guys.

  4. They’re not, they’re detritus worms. Idk why they died, but you’re seriously overfeeding your tank.

  5. Sorry about your loss. Hope you will be able to restart you hobby!

    Did you happen to ask the seller of your plants if they used any pesticides in their home? It’s possible that they might not have treated those exact plants, but if they sprayed a pesticide on nearby plants it’s always possible they were exposed. Someone who only knows about houseplant care, might not know that pesticides (even a little) is deadly to shrimp.

    As another user mentioned, you could use carbon to clean out the tank, but others might say that the tank is ruined (for shrimp) if it is a chemical that can leach into the silicon.

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