Beginning 20g lengthy shrimp tank … an excessive amount of on the dragonstone?

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  1. I wonder if it’ll be easier to play with when your substrate comes in, but I think adjusting the rocks to give the illusion of the overall shape you have could be worth trying.

    Remove the large rock in the middle and bring the right-back rock over to create a gap but keep the illusion.
    The rocks on the left could be shifted in as well to keep things tight if you wanted to plant around the sides of the tank

  2. I see what you’re doing and it’s cute! Go with it and have an abundance of stem plants in the back so they grow out of the tank and are like a tiny forest. Like this.

    Amazon sword in the far left and far right corner, shove Marimo in the crevices or weeping moss.

  3. Uhm, what are you trying to imitate? Tbh I can’t find any depth on how you arranged the stones. I suggest you add bigger rocks behind and small bits of rocks in front just to create depth.

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