On the lookout for a small fish that’d be okay to place in my shrimp tank

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  1. Badises are fun (I have a couple in 10gal with some nano danios and shrimp). They quickly learn that they can’t bother adult shrimp, but they’ll go after the babies. Make sure there are plenty of small caves for the babies to hide in. Normally I’d say moss is fine for hiding, but my badises are reeeally good hunters. They’ll get INTO some moss to try and find a snack. Or weave into some grasses/buce to follow something they see. Cool fish.

    Gotta make sure you can feed them though. Mine will taken frozen, but I started up live cultures when I got them and they eat live pretty often. Not all will take frozen/pellets.

  2. I would personally just leave the shrimp but danios could be okay and then probably a beta but the beta might be too aggressive for the shrimp

  3. Scarlet badises are micro predators. Say goodbye to your baby shrimp.

  4. Otocinclus catfish make good shrimp mates and will help clean the tank. I did read that they prefer to live in groups of like 5 to 6, but you probably be fine with one or two.

  5. Clown killifish,

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