Its getting hotter right here in Sweden, and my water is popping cloudy, some shrimp died, what ought to I do?

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  1. If you replaced the old filter then it could have crashed the cycle but if it was just the pump for it then that shouldn’t have caused any issues. It could be due to temperature or excess light it looks like it could get direct sunlight does it get it for a long time? Reducing the amount of light for a few days may help, if you do any water changes just do 5-10% a day, on day 1, 3, 5, 7 over the next week. This is assuming your ammonia etc is fine. Do you have a test kit? Shrimp love stability so I’d avoid any major changes until you figure out the issue. Goodluck!

  2. Tjena kompis!
    Jobbigt att sådant händer, blev lite nyfiken. Luktar vattnet annorlunda?

  3. I would add stability solution and test. Most likely there’s higher growth and decay and thus a boost in processing bacteria will help restart or refresh into a stable cycle again. Make sure you’re not over-feeding or warming too much in the sun. 

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