Is that this inexperienced hair algae? Amano shrimp usually are not touching it.

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  1. That looks like green hydra to me.

  2. Hail Hydra

  3. Update: I appreciate everyone pointing out what this really was when I was thinking it was only algae and had no idea why my shrimp were avoiding it… I ended up treating the tank with fenbendazole which is supposed to be safe for my livestock, snails included. Less than an hour later I can already see some of the hydras hanging upside down, looking dead.

  4. On Amazon type hydra killer aquarium , and grab the one that says no planaria. I tried to post link but didn’t let me

  5. You can find hydra killer online, but make sure it’s safe for shrimp and snails. I know there’s some out there, best of luck!

  6. I think this is the most hydras I’ve ever seen in one picture

  7. Hail hydra

  8. Those are hydras. When I had them i took a syringe with a needle on it, you gotta figure out where to get those somewhere, then I would pull up some hydrogen peroxide into the needle and then go to each individual hydra and spray some Hydrogen peroxide on it and then push it off the tank with the needle. This was extremely effective. You’re only putting such a small amount of hydrogen peroxide in the tank, it won’t mess anything up. Just make sure to puncture it as best you can then squirt a little bit and then scrape it off.

  9. Hail hydra

  10. Hail Hydra

  11. Those are all Hydras and your shrimp won’t touch them because Hydras are Cnidarians with stinging cells. Larger Hydras actually eat smaller shrimp. What you do with them is up to you, but their are carnivorous and often seen as pests.

  12. Woah those are the thickest greenest hydra I’ve ever seen! I didn’t know they came in green!

  13. oh shit those are hydras lol, will kill shrimplets, adult shrimp are usually too fast for them to be lethal but theyre a sign of a healthy freshwater ecosystem although if you breed shrimp, you’ll want to try dealing with them (feed everything less) or you can just add plants that allow shrimplets to safely live within

  14. My amano shrimp have been great at keeping many surfaces in the tank clean, including plants, rocks, and driftwood, but for some reason they don’t really touch this algae at all. I’m still tinkering with my light settings to control it and I’m planning on adding a pleco to the tank but I thought that amano really liked this stuff. Any clues?

  15. Hail Hydra!

  16. green hydras mean they are in simbiotic relation ship with algea so they get lots of their energy form that as wel hard to get rid of than

  17. Looks like a hydra to me, but I didn’t know they could be green.

  18. Time to pull out good ol no planaria to kill em off

  19. *whispers* 🗣️Hail Hydra

  20. That’s kind of cool

  21. Did you try rubbing them off? Because they would keep multiplying if you did. Maybe squirting them with hydrogen peroxide might kill them.

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