A fish died (endler) and now my amano shrimp is consuming it what ought to I do ?

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  1. I would let the Amano do its job. đź‘Ť

  2. Hand it a napkin and a glass of wine

  3. As long as it’s not diseased it’s fine. Nature gonna nature

  4. “The circle of liiiiife”

  5. Shrimp be shrimpin.

  6. let the man eat, its not like he killed the endler, but on a serious note if your amano abandons the body at anypoint remove it because it will cause your ammonia to spike

  7. Fetch the wine list.

  8. My cherry colony does this to anything that dies, which isnt very often thankfully. Once it was a cardinal tetra who passed sometime in the morning – by the time I came back from work it was picked to the bone. Given enough time even the bones seem to be eaten, probably for the calcium.

  9. One shrimp, even two, probably won’t keep up with the nitrogen spike.

    If you have confidence in your scavengers, you could just leave it. But honestly, probably let the shrimp and snails get a feed, and then remove it before too much rot and decomposition.

  10. Let him feast

  11. Let him cook

  12. Let him get fat. Im sure seachem will have Shrimp Ozempic soon.

  13. sign it up for weight watcher.

  14. That looks delicious 

  15. Just let it do it’s thing, I’ve had fish die and dissapear in mere hours just nature doing it’s job

  16. Are you telling me a shrimp fried this endler…?!

  17. Life uh, finds a way

  18. This is a normal life cycle. But you need to try to figure out why the endler died. Old age or something else?

  19. Don’t interrupt him

  20. Let him have it

  21. It’s the ciiiiiiicllllle of liiiiiiiiiiiiiifeeeeeeeee

  22. Circle of life, my friend

  23. Circle of life I suppose

  24. Hi this is fine. This is start of a food web, that is what I would expect a shrimp to do.

  25. Let him clean it up. It keeps the tank healthy. Like Cory from Aquarium coop said, death breeds life.

  26. Remove the fish if it’s still there after day. Otherwise it’s the cycle of life, little bottom feeders just doing their job!

  27. Where is the problem?

  28. What u mean what do u do? Lmao

  29. You should stop showing off the perfection that is that Nerite snail.

  30. Circle of life

  31. I tap on the glass and say No..Bad boy! Sometimes they stop.

  32. I thought shrimp were filter feeders ?

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