  1. shrimp looks ok. unless that ring is completely around the body i might be worried.


    really great scape you have going on there. nice job!

  2. Ain’t nothing but a little frosting!

  3. Keep an eye on it usually that is what they look like when they are less than 48 hours to a molt so if you don’t see a molt in the next few days and or that doesn’t close up then worry or if it starts to look like cooked shrimp. When the flesh looks like cooked shrimp that’s the WROD

  4. My fire red has had that a few times and she’s always been fine, so I hope she’ll be okay!

    Your aquarium looks absolutely gorgeous! What an inspiration!

  5. She’s getting ready to molt! I’ve seen that on mine multiple times, and got worried about “the white ring of death,” but they were fine. I think that’s just the first place their shells start to crack.
    Also, your tank is super cool!

  6. I know this is off topic from the question you asked but how did you get the plants on the rock like that it looks great

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