I received my first 4 shrimp yesterday and I’m OBSESSED.

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

  1. The addiction is real lol

  2. Congratulations. Welcome to the world. May I suggest a YouTuber that is an amazing[Shrimp ](https://youtube.com/@MarksShrimpTanks) Shrimp breeder and teacher of the amazing hobby. And he has a plethora of shrimp knowledge for you to soak up.

  3. Congrats! I feel ya. Time for next tank then next tank then next and bam there 10 then 20 then 30 heh

  4. Fake plants???? Da fuk u doin mate?

  5. I love that you just got some shrimp lol not like a bunch of one kind, just a handful of different ones lmao I wanted all snowballs and spent a ton to ship them out to me in the desert

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