First shrimp tank is settling in! Making an attempt to resolve on which colours to go along with! Any favorites or suggestions??

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  1. Neocaridina? I love golden back yellows. They were sold to me years ago as “golden rod” but they look fantastic against brown and green colors.

  2. Blue dreams are my fav

  3. This looks great! My favorites are neos, I love all of their colors but the blue variations are so stunning to me. 💙 happy shrimping, let us know what you decide on!

  4. Orange neos are my favourite, but yellow, blue dream, and cherry ones are awesome too 🙂

    Orange really pop against the green and wood.

  5. Fluval spec ii?

  6. Orange or Red or Blue!They would really stand out in this tank

  7. One thing to consider in such a small tank with a large chunk driftwood is that it can cause very low ph, which is not great for shrimp.

  8. I was told by my shrimp guy that if you get more than one color the babies could be a baby poop green color but if you get a solid bright color and chocolate, you will reproduce amazing little dudes. I believe he said the jade green comes from chocolate and blue dream? I haven’t tried it myself (yet). I thought that was an interesting tidbit anyway.

  9. Yellows would look great in here

  10. I’d go with mixed. Not knowing how they will breed out is fun, to me. I also don’t dislike any color or pattern I’ve seen (even if transparent or brown), so up to you.

  11. Hey dude I saw your post from 6 months ago about your flowering red devil sword, I just got one too and was wondering what happened?

  12. I like Yellow

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