  1. no filter other than sponge is shrimp safe. so i’d suggest putting nylon sock over it and fixing it tight with rubber band. otherwise shrimplets and even juvies find their way into even tiniest of gaps in filter and in sponges

  2. I have a similar one by Sicce and have not issues assuming there is a sponge behind the openings. I have even seen very small shrimp grazing from the openings.

  3. Yes it’s safe. Used this before

  4. Should be fine it’s just a power head with a sponge !!!

  5. Thank you so much for the advice! I think I’ll add a nylon sock as recommended here, just to be sure

  6. I have something similar and man, that thing is a jet thruster in anything smaller then 20 gallons

  7. As long as you cover the bottom with a sponge you should be good to go.

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