Cherry Shrimp Tree Setup (additionally query)

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  1. You want more green so they can hide and graze on it. Do the grass or moss before introducong shrimps More the better with plants. Lack of hiding places can cause stress.

  2. The holes and pocket in rocks don’t tend to present a problem. I have gotten batches of seiryu stone that wasn’t inert though. You can do an acid test or simply put some in a bucket of tap water with an empty bucket as a control and see if the pH changes in the one with the rock. Best to know before you set up your tank and are fighting rising KH/pH from calcium carbonate being present.

    Light planting is fine, but the longer you leave the tank set up before adding shrimp, the better. Biofilm will develop over time and this is a natural food for them to graze on in between feedings. A mature tank is a more stable environment also, and shrimp do not tolerate change well. Good luck!

  3. Probably not the advice you’re after but make sure all 4 corners of your tank are supported by your counter top. One seems to be hanging off the edge which can put pressure on that part of the aquarium and cause structural stress

    Nice tank otherwise!

  4. Just wanted to say your tank is so nice. Will look amazing with all the green!

  5. Your tank is very nice! If this is your first time setting up a planted tank and wanting a carpet, I would suggest maybe pearlweed (with a larger substrate layer) as opposed to dhg if you’re going without co2. Yes dhg can carpet but it’s extremely slow from my experiences without co2 🙁

    On the other hand, pearlweed grows like a monster in almost any conditions. But if your substrate layer is too thin, the pearlweed carpet may uproot and float

  6. Throw some other plants or moss in the back right corner for more hiding spots and wait for the tank to get stable. I don’t think the rocks will be a problem.

    I went from 8 to 6 after listing 2 to now 20+ cherries in a few months. It took a while and now there are babies for days and a few of the adults are carrying again.

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