Can simply juvenile cherry shrimp crash a tank?

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  1. Juveniles shrimps are tiny so no and shrimp in general have a low bio load

  2. They’ve been known to crash partys and ride around on snails but not tanks in my experience unless feeding is increased. They eat constantly but i’d imagine nothing extra is needed food-wise for the new additions you’ve been graced with. Congrats!

  3. It would be incredibly hard to do so. I have hundreds of not thousands of shrimp in a 55 G. Barely even have to change the water. Their bio load is so small it’s damn near negligible.

  4. No way. 30 baby shrimp wouldn’t crash a 5 gallon, you’re gonna be just fine!

  5. Definitely not. You can have around 300+ in a 13 gal before the shrimps bioload starts to effect anything.. their bioload is so minuscule so I usually never count all my shrimp when listing what I have. I just say I have shrimp in general

  6. I have no answers for you but what is that plant that they are resting on? It is so cute I would like to buy some (: I hope your tank stays healthy

  7. In 4-5 months I went from (5) Wild Type shrimp to over (50). They don’t stop breeding and cleaning/eating. My tank is planted, with (5) ember tetras, (1) Harlequin Rasbora, (1) Ottocat and the whole Shrimp brigade. They are all fine and happy.

  8. I tried and tried and couldn’t grow those round leaves plants you got. I have new leaves but they are all tiny.

  9. Their bio load is so small, they definitely will not crash your tank. Plus you have fish, so some of the babies will get eaten and you will have a natural kind of cull.

  10. Cherry shrimp have such a minuscule bio load that you’d have to 10x that count before worrying about overloading a tank that size.

  11. I wouldn’t worry about it crashing. Cherry Shrimp already have a light bioload and it would take a lot to cause a cycle crash in this tank. Giving some away to your LFS might not be a bad idea either since you might get some store credit off of it.

  12. Very little. Shrimp have such a small bio load it should be fine.

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