My newts and shrimp often eat collectively. No casualties but for just a few months.

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  1. That’s interesting. What type of newt are they and what are their names?

  2. Have they started breeding at all? I remember talking with you a few months back. Super cool newts

  3. Symbiotic relationship? Maybe u just found a new symbiotic relationship that can be found nowhere else including the wild. Cause these newts and cherry shrimp don’t live in the same areas in the wild but they do in your tank. Maybe the shrimp clean the dead skin cells off of the newts and the shrimp get extra food 🀷. So maybe the newts realized this and leave them alone.

  4. are they fully aquatic?

  5. Well that’s just adorable πŸ₯Ή

  6. Are the newts picky eaters? Could honestly just be so foreign to them they don’t recognize it as food.

    the interaction during their breeding season is a plus factor.
    I wonder if it’s the hard exoskeleton that stops them

  7. This is great stuff, nice to see interesting new knowledge being shared

  8. What the helll is a newt lol I’m high as hell and that picture confused tf outta me- I wondered when I saw the shrimp why they were eating maggots, then I saw the lizards and wondered why there would be lizards in a shrimp tank then I read your post and now I’m still confused πŸ˜‚πŸ’€

    ETA: sensitive ass people downvoting my confusion πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  9. How much did these guys go for ? I always thought you had to keep them in a semi terrestrial set up but if that’s not the case I definitely want to get some especially since I always see them at the reptile conventions

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