  1. *whispers: yellow neocaridina and blue OEBT caridina can be housed together*

  2. Yellows would really pop in there!

  3. I have a Skittles tank and the blues became my favorites

  4. Blue. They will look really nice on your substrate. I have dark substrate, so the blues are hard for me to see.

  5. Oh yeah, also, I have 4 male blue moscow guppies but their colors are muted. Blue shrimp could look cool and bring out the blue in the guppies, or it’d be nice to have yellow since there’s already blue.

    I’m also planning on adding pygmy corydoras and maybe dwarf rasboras down the line, which can get red like their chili cousins.

  6. Put yellow and blues together and who knows, you might get some greens

  7. Why not both….Tangerine tiger’s shouldn’t* breed with blue neos… just saying

  8. I’m having the same argument between yellow and red. I’d actually love to do yellow neo with orange caridina, but my PH sits too high for caridina of the non-neo persuasion. My vote would honestly be blue, since my tank is too dark for those, you may as well get to enjoy them 🤣

  9. I’m going to be setting up a very similar tank set-up in the near future. Any tips you learned along the way? It’s almost exactly what I was envisioning, maybe a few more rocks in mine.

  10. I absolutely LOVE yellow shrimp. I support any decision that ends in yellow shrimp

  11. Transparent shrimp

  12. If you don’t plan to breed to sell. Just buy whatever, mix em, do a skittles tank to enjoy.

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