  1. I’d suggest getting ghost shrimp – which is a few different species depending on where you live. I’m the SE USA, they are Palaemon paludosus. They are sassy and definitely aren’t afraid to swim up to a fish and steal their food. They aren’t aggressive to other species though – that’s Macrobrachium and they have bigger arms, more like a crayfish.

    Any filter feeders are hard but not impossible to keep. You don’t necessarily need a high flow tank, but they need to be able to get enough particulate. I use a mix of nori (seaweed wrap) melted in some hot water with bacter ae mixed in. I use a syringe to spray it into the the water column, and in low flow it will hang in the water for quite a while. Everyone seems to like it – the larger nori bits will be grabbed by fish and the smaller stuff will put particulate in the tank for your filter feeders.

  2. Also i read that bamboo and vampire shrimps are filter feeders that need to grab food from the current. Is a air bubbler okay? I’ve seen the flat disc ones, are those ok for creating a current in a spot for them? I have a wave maker but it’s too strong for my gourami and they just don’t like currents through out the tank in general.

    Any other suggestions would be great too! Thanks! Let me know your thoughts

  3. I have bamboo shrimp, and you will need more than a bubbler. They need to be able to grap particles out of the tank at any time. They typically will find one place to sit and feed most of the day, but it is good for them to be able to move around and not be isolated to one area.

  4. I am not well versed kn fish so I have no idea how well gourami hunt.

    However I know that you can establish Neocaridina in any tank with enough plants. They breed very well and are masters in hiding and evasion – I think they might have graudated from the SAS. Just make sure to have about a third of your tank fully planted and they should be fine.

    I recommend against filter feeders like the bamboo shrimp if your tank is not at least 300-400 liters with very good flow and a lot of microorganisms. Its really hard and a lot of work to feed them properly.

    Panther crabs….I had one of those for a few years. Mine was as big as a male adult human hand if that human was a lumberjack. They are freakishly strong and attack and eat everything that moves. Your bottom dwelling fish will be breakfast and the gourami will be the snacks in between if they are not fast enough. They also hate plants and will cut them and/or eat them and they will redecorate the whole tank to their liking. Best kept solo or with Neocaridina Shrimp.

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