  1. Do you ever find any in the filter? They love to go in filters.

    I’d recommend a sponge filter instead. As a bonus, they can eat particles of food trapped on the sponge.

    Also, powdered food will increase the survival rate of the babies. Bacter AE is a good one and it helps create biofilm, which the shrimp eat.


    EDIT: Since the shrimp have been molting, it could be a good sign. Unless you are doing major water changes. Premature molts can be fatal.

    The ring is common, the molt will happen at that point. It’s only an issue if there’s a ring and the shell was too hard, and the shrimp couldn’t get out. Water that’s too hard can cause ‘the ring of death’.

    Also, make sure they’re getting enough calcium in their diet. Seaweed (spirulina) contains enough of it, but give them a varied diet.

    Good luck!

  2. The big thing with shrimp is that they’re tolerant of a pretty wide range of water parameters, but they struggle with change. Your pH and temperature are definitely on the high end, but I’m sure there are folks in this group who have a thriving colony at those parameters as well. If you do make changes make sure you do so slowly.

    When you got the shrimp how did you acclimate them? I started drip acclimating mine over the course of the day, and that has dramatically increased my success rate when adding new livestock.

  3. Cover the filter intake.

  4. By “losing” I meant dying. I always find their bodies.

  5. So the above folks are correct, shrimp want stability more than specific numbers (within reason) here’s my current parameters and mine won’t stop multiplying lol started with 5 now have over 60.

    Temp: 76°
    GH: 6°
    KH: 3°
    PH: 7.2
    AM: 0
    NI: 0
    NA: 20

    I house mine with other fish so there is a pretty regular food source via uneaten food and biofilm off my plants

  6. Tha ks everyone for your help!! I think I’ll leave the tank alone for a little while, then start looking into some of the recommended products 🙂

  7. pH is a bit high but I have it around the same and they are well for several weeks now. I’d put some more leafy plants/moss in the tank, hiding can reduce their stress and increase their survival rate.

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