What’s rising on my java fern? I have not added any fish, shrimp or snails to this setup but.

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  1. Oh, you added em, you just didn’t know it at the tkme

  2. It looks like snail eggs

  3. Well, they’re certainly eggs. Not sure what kind, but if you haven’t actually added stock, then the only thing I can think of is hitchhiker snails on your plants.

  4. Def snail eggs whether you added them intentionally or not 😔

  5. Bladder snail eggs

  6. You didn’t add snails 🐌 but the snails are ninjas my friend. You got snail eggs.

  7. It looks like snail eggs

  8. You have snails

  9. You’ve got snail!

  10. I’d pull the plant out and dip it to kill any eggs.

  11. Snail eggs. You’ve got a bit of an issue on your hands. I had one of my tanks be overcome with snails and I had to shut it down. I was going through the stuff today because the tank water was getting stagnant and I found another snail in my filter. I thought I had gotten rid of all of them or atleast they had decomposed after multiple weeks but this dude was still alive with nothing but stagnant water and sand. No food or anything. I’m not even sure how it got in my hob filter the grates were too small.


    I’m not sure you can ever get rid of them but if you have new eggs it means you have living snails. I’d suggest getting an assassin snail to take care of them the assassin snail will eventually die but the majority of your pests should first.

  12. Eggs

  13. They look like ramshorn snail eggs. Bladder snail eggs are very similar but they’re a little too small to take this good of a pic of them so they’re probably ramshorn eggs. The outcome is the same though with tons of snails lol

  14. My brother in Christ, you just did. Those are bladder snail eggs.

  15. Ramshorn snails egg clutch. It’s a nice looking one too. Just remove and smoosh it if you don’t like them. I’m breeding mine atm and these bad Boys are the best outside of their rapid breeding when left unchecked (my betta Oreo is the head of that department), and they poop a lot.

  16. Don’t you ever come here? The ‘whats growing on my java fern is posted daily. The answer is ALWAYS “a baby java fern”

  17. Bladder snail eggs.

  18. Your plant says different.

  19. My bet is bladder snail eggs. They often sneak in on plants.

  20. The bladder snails let themselves in

  21. …and this is how it begins

  22. bladder snail eggs

  23. 100% snails eggs more like pest snail i call them that bc they come in plants that you buy from pet store or aquarium store i set up my 30 gallon for my shrimp and endlers full of plants and rocks and they were everywhere even damaged my filter.

  24. Now you learned to bleach your plants before adding them. Have fun with your new snail buddies

  25. Ramshorn snail eggs?

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