  1. I’ve seen this when a shrimp molts and then immediately faceplants into something (like the glass) while still fresh and squishy. As long as they can still eat it is possible they will survive and even return to normal-looking with future successful molts.

    I am no expert though! I wish you the best of luck!

  2. i swear im so close to giving up this hobby. been so incredibly stressful lately. i really liked this shrimp, man

    also ive had these fish and shrimp in this tank together for over a year, maybe two, minimal changes. the shrimp used to thrive in here. the cardinals are getting older already lost a couple to old age, and i never really wanted cardinals in the first place so i havent replaced them. so theres 4 in here at the moment. yes i know they do better in schools, they were in a group of 4 when they were given to me but also im hoping to move them elsewhere so ill get them back up to 6 when that happens

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