  1. https://preview.redd.it/sm35197u0dac1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5d84df181a1bd531df54da0878768d6f5995ba

    Not a great drawing, but at least 1 looks like the left and at least 1 looks like the right. Like it has two extra circles? Idk how to describe it right.

  2. copepods! they are harmless and not to worry about

  3. I can’t see anything because my eyesight is terrible, but maybe look up damselfly nymph to see if it looks similar? If so, get it out immediately! They’re little terrors and in my opinion, just grody 😂

  4. i think im looking at what you described. and in my opinion, it is a simple detritus worm. harmless and actually help keep the tank clean. if you have a bunch of them there are lots of ways to stop them from over-producing. reducing the food being the main one. if you get one of those glass shrimp feeding dishes it works great to keep the food in the container and not have it spread all over the substrate for other creatures to eat. that’s what made the most significant impact for me when i had a lot of detritus worms. i hope this helps!

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