What is that this?!? (Dangerous for cherry shrimp)

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  1. Hydra. It will sting and eat baby shrimp. If there are enough in a cluster they can take down adults too.

  2. Hydra sp.

    It’s related to jellyfish and sea anemones.

    It has a mild sting that could hurt adult shrimp and kill baby shrimp.

    If you don’t want that, remove them carefully.

    Small bits that break off can grow into new hydras, like a plant almost.

  3. Get some spixii snails. They will eat those like spaghetti. They’ve cleaned my tank in a week. Avoid Chemical treatments if you have natural ones.

  4. Hail Hydra. It won’t harm adult shrimp

  5. Hail Hydra!!!

  6. Pancur C is what I used to treat my tank and murder all the hydras. It’s shrimp safe if dosed right and I didn’t lose a single shrimpo.

    Oh, and since it’s dog medication a little goes a long way and it’s cheap af compared to the fish stuff

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