What are these flee like very small issues swimming in my shrimp tank? They’re very very small and tough to…

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  1. It’s an ostracod aka seed shrimp. They’re harmless and, in my opinion, cute and interesting.

  2. It’s an ostracod aka seed shrimp. They’re harmless and, in my opinion, cute and interesting.

  3. Nothing to worry about it’s just a pointer of a healthy system, they will help clean it and your fish will likely eat them too.

  4. They are in my shrimp only low tech tank and there are a ton of them. I probably picked them up form collecting plants from local waterways. (It is my experimental tank). Because there are so many is there a fish (say neon tetra) that will eat them and not eat my shrimp?

  5. Thank you to all for the information. With a name, I was able to do some research and learn more! Thank you r/PlantedTank

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