There’s like ~60 shrimp hiding in right here

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  1. I spy 3 blue dream shrimp

  2. Amazing plant health!

  3. Can I ask what type of floaters it is ?

  4. I had about 30 shrimplets in my thriving 10 gal.
    Thought about adding a new plant, great idea.
    Went ahead and planted it, 5 days later a total shrimp HOLOCAUST occurred. Now only my tetra embers and my snails reside in it. Must have caused an ammonia spike while dealing with the bottom, couple of babies died causing an even bigger spike, and so on and so on.
    My heart is broken, there were sakura blacks, blues, yellows, cherries. It was really beautiful.

  5. What a beautiful tank! What is that carpet greenery?

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