Superb shrimp provider created a primary world downside for me.

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

  1. Plot twist, OP is the seller and this is a burner account 😂

  2. Brother/sister found the shrimp plug and won’t share

  3. This is so irresponsible of the seller, especially if he knows how small your tanks are. No one should receive double or more of an animal they ordered and are not prepared to keep – that’s just guaranteed neglect. 

    This number of shrimp will mow through any amount of biofilm in your tank so you need food on hand to feed them 1-2 times per day. Doesn’t matter if the tank has been established for months. Your filtration MIGHT be enough but you probably will need to change quite a bit of water at least once a week to keep nitrates down. Especially if fertilizing. Frequent testing will also be required initially to see when maintenance is needed. 

  4. After a massive die-off like you had, I think it is important to know what your water hardness parameters are. At least the KH/GH. If those numbers are too high or too low, the shrimp can die during the molting process.

  5. Plot twist, op is the seller haha

    Ps. Dm me seller info please 😅

  6. who is the seller?

  7. I know the exact seller you mention, have saved his Kijiji ads for awhile now

  8. You just made this seller bank. He has black neos and I NEED MORE.

    So long as those aren’t his culls

  9. Damn. Wish I lived in Canada. For US, I use Shrimpy Business, amazing supplier. Started with one cherry shrimp tank, now he offers many kinds of shrimp, nano fish and invertebrates and plants and food and supplies.

  10. Nice marketing post

  11. Can you also DM me the seller OP?

  12. i would also very much enjoy this sellers info please!

  13. Here for the sellers info

  14. We all want this sellers info now haha

  15. Seller info, please.

  16. Seller info please!!

  17. Who’s the seller?!

  18. I’d really appreciate knowing the seller!

  19. I’m gonna be buying me some shrimp

  20. Lmk who’s the seller

  21. DM me the seller info, please.

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