So I simply discovered this in a bunch of hornwort I simply discovered. I’ve a tank with snails, cherry shrimp, endlers and panda…

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  1. Scud, harmless but I think they can outcompete shrimp for food and I might have heard(idk if I remember right) that they eat shrimplets but don’t take my word for it.

  2. Amphipod. Your fish will eat them.

  3. Cory aren’t much for eating these guys. Or your baby shrimp would also be a snack for them. Your enders will eat the amphipods’ babies when they find them.

    Amphipods, aka Scuds, can be helpful at keeping your tank cleaner. They will get into places the shrimp and Cory can’t.

    Their population will grow with availability of food. Once their food source is reduced their population will drop.

    There are hundreds of species of amphipods, just freshwater ones. As many, or more, live in saltwater. Most likely microalgae, biofilm, dead plant material, and what food we place in our tanks.

  4. I wouldn’t put that in my tank unless you have the predators to take care of them.

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