Simply received my shrimp and noticed this. Parasite?

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  1. Barf that a horse hair worm, get him out of your tank cause ones that shrimp dies the worm will crawl ot of and go infect another one. A salt bath may work but probly not.

  2. euthanize, dont let it near any of the other shrimp

  3. Hey, I want to commend you for noticing this at all. I fell like a lot of people wouldn’t. Double kudos for then expressing concern and asking.

  4. I would cull it. Don’t let it infect your whole tank.

  5. 🥺 the poor babies I’m that pet shop. So sad

  6. Dont buy shrimp from them again and take it back to them

  7. Did you see the worm crawl out of it after you eithanized

  8. oh jeez first time seeing a shrimp with parasite

  9. Yes but it’s just a horsehair worm, put it in a salt bath and the worm will come out. Shrimp will be good to go back in the tank

  10. Hi OP remember to buy a dewormer as a basic need for your fishies. Before introducing new fish/shrimps into your main tank, they must be isolated first on a quarantine tank (including deworming).

    Its good that its visible with shrimps but most aquarium inhabitants dont leaving the tank vulnerable.

  11. There was a guy on Reddit who just recently was successful in getting the worms to leave. Just put the shrimp in a dark container and didn’t feed them. Worm figured the host was dead and left the shrimp’s body. Crazy.

  12. RIP shrimp buddy

  13. I’m new to this hobby and damn. Y’all are some smart scientists 😂😂

  14. salt dips wouldve worked as dewormer

  15. Hey, I know you said you don’t have the means to treat, but there is a product that can treat entire community tanks without individual treatment. It’s called Prazi Liquid Concentrate, and it cures most parasites in shrimp. They can withstand over 200 times the recommended dosage!

  16. I had to do the rock option many times with small fish with incurables, I never went back to that part of the garden for a year, I hate killing innocents

  17. Where did you purchase your shrimp?

  18. Yeah those things are disgusting

  19. It’s beyond me how people think this is acceptable to sell to paying customers. Whoever sells anything with obvious parasites should never be trusted on anything. Shame on them.

  20. Mermithid?

  21. Wait some of the shrimp in one of my tanks have something going on that looks like this and theyre housed with a betta that has been looking unhealthy recently could this be why? 🙁 theyre on my profile but i haven’t gotten any feedback on my help posts

  22. Out of curiosity, if a fish eats it, will it infect the fish?

  23. Nice that they are transparent so you could catch this so early at least 😂

  24. Horsehair worm. It is very common in ghost shrimp, and there isn’t anything you can really do to get rid of them. It’s best just to euthanize, which sucks.

  25. Yes this is.

  26. Would this be ok to feed to fish?

  27. It’s kind of cute 😂

  28. Sad but you put him/her out of their misery most likely. Monitor the others

  29. Sorry about your shrimp.

    Though I gotta ask, if you kill the shrimp via crushing, does that kill the parasite?

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