Shrimp died within the bottle entice… why?

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  1. I’ve had that happen before. I suspect a mix between being very stressed out and the food and poop slightly fouling the water in the bottle trap, since there’s no circulation.

    In general traps should never be left overnight imo. Only use them when you are able to monitor it regularly.

  2. No water movement inside the bottle. So O2 levels dropped, CO2 levels rose, PH dropped due to the CO2 concentration and ammonia rose due to the food and shrimp inside the bottle.

  3. Could also be that you left soap in it.

  4. That environment isn’t controlled, so many things could have happened. Whatever parameters that they were accustomed to had a dramatic shift that shocked their system. Once there sHrimp in a tank I don’t ever take them out. Only did once when they would eat my betta’ long fins. They did ok and once I did a really large water change 50%, they all died

    Uneaten food, lack of heater, O2 starvation are some main mistakes.

    Is this water bottle a popular thing people do?

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