  1. Dang, I need to get some shrimp! Certainly earning their stay!

  2. Anyone one willing to collect from Manchester, UK; I have a colony of about 50-100 red cherry shrimp in my tank that I’m taking down in the next couple of weeks.

    (varying grades, some of the females are super vibrant red, but many of the males are almost see-through; also includes all ages and many berried shrimp).

    I’ve had these shrimp for about 10 years, and originally bought about 10 of them.

    Potentially could post too.

    Let me know if you’d like me to put them on eBay… Someone can have the lot for £20.

  3. I had some shrimp a while back, but 1 by 1 they began disappearing.

    Pretty sure my angel fish decided they would make for tasty snacks.

  4. what the heck, my shrimp dont eat black algae…

  5. That is impressive. I have plants with some leaves like that but my shrimp are not cleaning it. I only have 6 tho. Might need to add a few.

  6. They are pricy here at my local shop in Austin. Think it was like 5-6 each.

  7. Shrimp CLEAN! I just set up a 10g shrimp tank and used a piece of drift wood from one of my other tanks. It was coated in algae. They’ve cleaned it completely in like 3 days lol

  8. Wow what fantastic tiny hard workers😍😍

  9. What type of shrimps did you use? And how many?

  10. I’ve been thinking of getting some shrimp for this exact reason too! Trouble is, I’m not sure if my fish will try and eat them. I’ve got Zebra Danios, cardinals, a flame tetra and two Dwarf Gourami.

    Do you guys think that’d be ok?

  11. What was that covering the leaves? Doesn’t look like BBA

  12. Woah wtf? Why don’t mine clean my algae like that?

  13. That is a pretty incredible set of photos.

  14. “clean team” thats a great word for them. shrimp cleaning crew

  15. Things like this makes me want to get shrimps but i got a betta tank. Not sure if he’s friendly enough to leave the shrimps alone. My anubias has a layer of algae on it.

  16. I think I need cherry shrimp. My amanos are doing barely anything, my nerites too. The pest snails are actually making a small dent though.

  17. They need to send these shrimps to Ohio

  18. How many are in your tank? and what size is your tank?

  19. I wish mine would head to algae on leaves. They are just greedy and pinch the fish food instead 🤦‍♀️

  20. Is this the only plant in the tank?

  21. That was BBA they were eating?

  22. Shrimple and Clean.

  23. Man, I have got to get me some shrimp! I need the big guys, though. My honey gourami would probably snack on cherries.

  24. I have the same type of algea on my Anubias but for some reason my Amano Shrimp never get rid of it. Even if I “starve” them a bit

  25. What kind of algae was that? And are those red cherry shrimp? Nice to see because a lot of people don’t realize these guys eat algae.

  26. my shrimp don’t clean anything. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  27. I bought some ghost shrimp from Petco where I got my fish and they died in like 3 days. How do I keep them alive for longer? It’s hard to see them too when I put them in and there all gone. Haven’t seen any.

  28. Damn diatoms got super bad or what? My leaves are getting a brown dust I’m like fuckkk

  29. I think my shrimps are lazy xD they dont clean this **fast**

  30. Where can i hire them?

  31. I could use some shrimp… But my fish would eat them

  32. After my Betta died I bought a bunch of Bloody Mary Shrimp and turned my tank into a shrimp tank! I love them. They are so fun to watch.

    My only regret is that I originally bought the brown seachem flourite so they can be difficult to see when they are on the substrate. Eventually I’ll change it out for black sand instead!

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