  1. mabey try creating more hide out for shrimp? Tetra should be pretty chill fishes under my impression.

  2. My neos are breeding just fine with my embers and the shrimplets survive in my 10g. I have moss, cholla, crazy big crypts, and some other stem plants so there’s plenty of places to hide.

  3. I couple years ago I started with 5 cherry and blue shrimp with neon tetras. Fast forward to today and I have at least 50 skittles shrimp and I now have flame tetras and a female beta. Some babies do get eaten but about 5 babies survive each batch that are born. As others have said the key is to have many hiding spots.

  4. I have female and male guppies, the shrimp breed fine and at night the little babies come out. You need moss and places where the fish can’t go.

  5. No, shrimp do not breed with tetras.

  6. I don’t think they would prevent them from breeding unless they were trying to eat them which they normally don’t. They defenitly will eat the baby shrimp though almost all fish will but if you have enough plants and hiding spots some will probably grow up.

  7. I had embers and shrimp in a 15g. The shrimp would breed, but the embers do eat the baby shrimp. I would sit there and watch it happen. If you have enough cover for the shrimp, they should be fine, but you will have more shrimp without embers

  8. As long as you have ample hiding places you’ll be fine. I have Platys, Neons, Embers and Guppy’s in my tank with shrimps and they’re breeding like crazy.

  9. I like the last snail pic

  10. What substrate is that

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