Seen a lifeless shrimp for the primary time in my 6 months outdated tank.. parameters are as common (KH=6, ph~7, GH=9(aiming…

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

  1. It happens. More than likely old age. I wouldn’t w

  2. Unless more die right away I wouldn’t worry. There’s no telling how old they are and they only live a few years at best generally usually more like 2 years. As long as everyone has been molting your probably fine.

  3. Feasting on their fallen brother.

  4. Shrimp, in fact, eventually die. Circle of life and all that. You probably have never noticed before bc you couldn’t see it or it was eaten too fast by its buddies.

  5. The zoomie shrimp in the picture is so funny to me

  6. The zoomie shrimp in the picture is so funny to me

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