NSFW: postmortem pics Ghost shrimp (P. paludosus)

Deal Score0
Deal Score0

1 Comment
  1. Temp 76, pH 8.1, EC 630, NH3 0, NO3 0, GH 6, KH 9

    10 gallon dirted tank with a mix of aragonite/sand/pebble topper

    Everyone else appears to be doing well, though they are really active during the daytime which I hadn’t noticed before. I’ve got at least 2-3 different broods bouncing around, as well <5 of the original 20 I bought in September/October. It’s a heavily planted (overgrown) tank and I’m trying to encourage algae growth but the tank is winning.

    I’m worried that my snail-pocalypse has consumed calcium and algae at a rate that is causing the shrimp to suffer. I’ve got a ton of bladder and ramshorn snails 🤷‍♂️. I kinda like them but they don’t have any predators…

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