  1. What is new with the yellow shrimp tank ? new plant ? new ornament ? new food ? big water change ?

    Alternatively, if it really is nothing to do with the tank, the yellows are from the same batch then they could simply be coming to the end of their lifespan at the same time ?

  2. Lost 3 RC shrimps a week ago. The others and the fish are still doing fine.
    Why they died? I have no idea. It just happens.

  3. Lost my yellow neocaridinas 2 weeks ago in a 3 months old 30L tank.
    My pH was 8.5 (my local tap water has high kH) so I injected the recommended dose of kH minus product for 20L of water, this should have lower my pH by 1 degree.
    Well. Noob mistake. Nerver again.

  4. For some reason I can’t see the text I wrote to my post so in case that’s the same for all of you, this is what I wrote:

    My yellow shrimp are dying! 🙁

    Hi all, I wanted to see if maybe someone knew of any ideas. I’ve had a yellow shrimp die on me two days ago and now it looks like a second one is dying too. See the video. They both acted the same way! I checked my water parameters. NH3 = 0, N02 = 0, NO3 = 5, pH 7.8, KH = 2dKH, GH = 9 dGH. The tank is a 3 gallon nano tank that is filtered and I have an air bubbler and I usually feed them algea wafers. I had 10 shrimp now I’ll be down to 8. All other shrimp seem healthy and are doing the usual shrimp grazing and the odd swimming around until they these two started acting like this. My blue shrimp tank has similar parameters, except for KH = 3 dKH and pH = 8.2 and they have exact tank as the yellow shrimp, and they are doing very well. So am at a loss at why my yellow are dying. I use tap water treated with Seachem prime and stability. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!!!

  5. New to the hobby, thought the shrimp likes a lower ph like the 6.5-7ish range, the fluval stratum I used says it promotes a lower ph. I guess it’s different for neo vs reg caridina

  6. KH seems a little low. Might not be the direct cause of their demise but it doesn’t help. Try a kH booster – I like these calcium blocks called Dr. Turtle that work great and the shrimp can graze on them directly. They’re a slow release. Your shrimp are still relatively new to the tank and I’m wondering if some of it is from a failed molt

  7. Are you using fertilizer?

  8. A lot of other commenters are giving you direct advice, I’ll share my thought process to show you fish problem solving and provide a checklist you can do

    > Does it smell weird?

    * Fishy: lots of dead fish
    * Funky: bacteria eating something (bacteria can suck oxygen out of water, effectively suffocating your inhabitants)

    > Have there been chemical sprays (febreze, lysol, windex, soap) near the tank?

    * This usually affects the whole tank
    * Can make the tank cloudy as bacterias die

    > Test for copper.

    * Since your PH is so high, it’s harder for copper to dissolve from pipes
    * If your sink has blue/green rings, that’s copper.
    * Usually affects whole tank of shrimp (copper affects oxygen uptake in inverts)

    > Did you test the water in the bag they came in? If the parameters are wildly different from your tank, your shrimp could be suffering from poor acclimation

    * Shrimp tend to take longer to die from shock, so if you got them recently that might be why

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