My shrimp I assumed lied 3 months in the past simply confirmed up

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  1. What did he lie about?

    Glad you let him come back.

  2. Don’t take him back if he’s a liar, you don’t need toxic shrimp like that in your life.

  3. In my experience if they’ll lie about small things they’re lie where it really matters. Something to think about….

  4. I just had this issue yesterday. I work at a fish store, and one of the guys accidentally sucked up a shrimp during a water change, and was hesitant to put him back, so he asked if I wanted it for my little 10 gallon.

    I popped him in, never saw him again. He just popped up yesterday after about 3-4 weeks

  5. These comments are exactly what I hoped they’d be

  6. A deceiving shrimp you say?

  7. Damn those lying shrimp!

  8. Bro committed life insurance fraud

  9. I had a loach that disappeared one day. Thought he died.

    About a year later I was moving my tank, when I pulled up the under gravel filter there he was. Bro had been living underground for at least 10 months.

  10. What lie did it tell?

  11. You’re telling me a shrimp lied months thrice?

  12. I can’t believe he lied to you and had the audacity to show up again!

  13. “I am leaving and never coming back”
    3 months later.

  14. Glad they showed up to take accountability for their lies.

  15. People need to chill on the slandering the shrimp. OP said they THOUGHT they lied. That language suggests the shrimp is actually innocent.

  16. He’s a pro at hide and seek

  17. That lying motherfucker

  18. Once a liar, always a liar

  19. What did he lie about?

  20. He is going to lie again

  21. How dare he show his face around here after these blatant lies?

  22. I has this same thing happened with my kuhli loaches in a heavily planted 32 gallon. Didn’t see them since I moved from my apartment to my new home for about a whole month. I wake up early one morning to a thunderstorm and see them doing their little rain dance. 🥰

  23. That rascal

  24. I bet his hips don’t lie tho

  25. These comments 😂 hardest I’ve laughed in this sub!

  26. Well if you thought he lied and he didn’t I believe you owe him a heartfelt apology.

  27. That goes to show you.. Never trust a shrimp

  28. Lying shrimps deserve to die.

  29. I’ve got one, called Pinchy Stryder, who keeps doing this and I’m doubly certain he is dead and then I see him a week or two later. Luckily I have an army of unintended snails who I need to keep feeding.

  30. Ghost Shrimp living up to its name hehe

  31. Day 37 of hoping my single blue dream shrimp is also alive…

  32. That happened to me! I got two shrimp and they immediately disappeared for two months.

    All of a sudden, one shows up. A week later, the other one does too. I was elated!

  33. Lying ass shrimp 🍤

  34. Happened to me too. Bought 5 shrimps when set up the aquarium, and didn’t see those for a month. Thought my tetras ate the shrimps. Yesterday, I trimed the java moss harder than usual and found the whole family there + babies. My son was so happy to find baby shrimps

  35. oh yeah they’ve done that to me too, not only the amano, but the red ones too. I do provide them good coverage.

  36. Fingers crossed this happens with my missing pleco.

  37. I don’t want to alarm you but that may be a zombie shrimp.  

  38. I mean look at him. He even looks like a liar.

  39. Shrimp Will lie about anything…. very sketchy folk…

  40. You can get them online..

  41. Malawa shrimp by chance?

  42. I had a similar event. had to tank to kill the pond snails, swear my Amano was a gonner. Few months later, he pops up.

  43. I had a little Blue one that I thought got eaten by my Betta fish, he was gone for weeks, (even after some water changes) and then he just happened to be swimming next to the betta one day. Legit thought he got eaten. He was very small but incredibly deep blue, so he wasn’t hard to miss in the tank most of the time. I think he only came out at night, and ate, and hid in one of the decor items, or in the gravel. Dunno. But he was certainly very lucky. I was glad to see him again. He was my favorite shrimp ever.

  44. I ordered 10 online. Red and blue. They all arrived healthy with 2 extra in the bag. I now have a huge colony of over 80 last time we tried to count.

  45. he looks like he came back from an epic adventure, i hope he doesn’t lie about it tho

  46. What he lied about??

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