My shrimp always use purple root floaters as parachutes and get them caught below different crops till they soften lol

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  1. yes mine do this , the RRF have never really taken off because of this

  2. I’ve never had much luck with RRFs, but I grabbed a handful of floaters out of a pond in my neighborhood and those have taken off like crazy!

  3. Mine do this all the time!

    I will say, however, healthy RRF shouldn’t look like the ones this shrimp dragged down.

    Make sure you have little to no surface agitation, or if you do they are corralled away from the flow.

    They need a decent amount of full spectrum lighting, either strong lighting or just very close to them for a long photoperiod.

    Also, fertilizing every now and then with water changes helps my low tech tanks with RRF thrive.

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