My new 10 gallon planted Betta (and shrimp, when the time comes) tank.

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  1. Beautiful fish, are you doing a fish in cycle?

  2. Where did you get that tank? Is it an actually tank or did you buy a glass container? I’m looking for a nontraditional shape like that for an area of my home. When I see shapes like that they are often smaller. I’d love a 10 gallon like that.

  3. Just a touch of advice, be very careful when adding shrimp. In my experience, my betta killed all of the shrimp I had put in after just a day. They can be quite territorial especially once they’ve established a tank as theirs. So if you can maybe take him out and rearrange the tank a bit so it feels new to him. Then, add the shrimp before putting him back in. That will give you the best chance of success. Just an idea though!! The tank looks great!

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