  1. Do the shrimps ever jump out onto your kitchen table?

  2. Do you feel like a non clear vessel was a good choice? Thinking about something similar for my living area and debating a ~5gal glass vase or something more like this

  3. what plants are you using here??

  4. I want something like this one day😭😭

  5. How big is the bowl? Curious doing/wanting to do this. I have aquarium water, gravel, rocks, frogbit and red rooters now in a small bowl as a experiment

  6. How do you see the shrimp though?

  7. Seriously tho, I have a bowl lotus. Can I just add a small fish to it or is there something special I have to do? I’ve tried googling but I’m so confused. I will take any constructive criticism.

  8. What plants?

  9. Reminds me of animal crossing goldfish bowls. Yours is properly stocked though

  10. Soooo pretty! Do you have a source of light?

  11. Really nice looking !

  12. That’s really unique, and gorgeous. Would love to try this out, what are you using as the container?

  13. I love the Marsilea😍

  14. It’s beautiful! I’m so tempted to set up my own.

  15. I wanted to do this but I couldn’t find a nice bowl I liked

  16. This is so pretty !! Love the bowl

  17. Any issues with mosquitos?

  18. What is that clover like plant?

  19. I love the Oxalis!

  20. Excuse me, what? This is so beautiful! I see things on here that seem so improbable to me and yet they exist. Please tell me how you did this. I need to know everything.

  21. That’s beautiful!! What substrate did you use?

  22. Wow this is so cool. What type of shrimp? Would I need a water filter or air pumped into the water? Which plants ?

  23. This setup is incredible, I absolutely adore it.

  24. With this set up, how often do u have to clean the water and how much?

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