  1. Let’s see you birth 40 children and come out looking in shape.

    Should be OK.

  2. Buff ass shrimp 😂

  3. The head looks kinda detached from the tail from the first photo maybe a molting issue

  4. Update: thanks for the input all. I found her dead this morning – I think it was a molting issue as others pointed out it looked like her carapace had partially lifted.

    I could only see one or two eggs still under her tail, hopefully the others were able to hatch in time!

  5. I’m glad you asked this. I just noticed one of my red females had lost color this morning. Shes acting normal but just looks strange.

  6. I’ve noticed something similar with one of Mine. She’s a Black Rose and super opaque.
    After She molts She’s entirely black for a bit and super Shiny like your Red lady on Pic 2. After that She has her Rusty/Blue Dorsal stripe Fade in and will stay like that until her Next molt.

    It could be that she’s getting older as well & also possible berried mama stress along side the above!

  7. I should add, there are about 15 other shrimp in the tank and they’re all perfectly fine.

  8. It’s worth noting they have a short lifespan. I have a community in a 20 gal that sustains themselves. I have so many it’s hard to see the same one twice but I do notice when I have to remove bodies, they are usually larger females that I assume have or were able to have babies.

  9. It’s developing a messy racing stripe. Very common old shrimp behavior

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