  1. He wants to eat the special premium algae above the waters surface

  2. He’s trying to evolve

  3. Looks like you have a slow waterfall.. I had a pond where shrimps used to do that..when I turned the pump off, they all used to crawl back in the water.

  4. Lovely. For those who are worried about it drying out or not being able to breathe, it’s fine. As long as the surface is wet, they can be out quite a while. The surface tension and small amount of mucousa essentially keep a small bead of water underneath them on their gills. The surface/volume is such that it remains oxygenated. Same principle that allows diving spiders to breathe underwater, just opossite fluids being respirated.

    Neocaridina’s proclivity to do this isn’t always exactly safe. I had to make a foil rampart around my open top 47 gallon because every once in a while, I’d find one dried up on the floor. They also sometimes will crawl up the spillway of a filter and unfortunately make their way down to the turbine and get torn apart. Mine only did this when their was a ridiculous population of hundreds of individuals. I think it was an activated instict to migrate because of population. The males became very aggressive about mating. I also had a fat mama birth her brood multiple times in the filter water because she liked the params better, I guess. She was old and very large. She probably didn’t want to fan her eggs, lol.

  5. They vibin πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‚

  6. That is some lovely subwasstertang. Such a cool plant. I stopped growing it because its such a mess to prune.

  7. I no no wanna πŸ¦βœ–οΈπŸ’§

  8. Life… finds a way.

  9. they do this to find new pools in mountain streams in the wild

  10. So knock him back into the water wtaf

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