Is that this planted sufficient that getting some tetras could be nice & not demolish my shrimp inhabitants?

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  1. The only fish that can be housed with shrimp from what I know are micro rabora (chili, phoenix, kubotai). Would the shrimp population be *fine*? Maybe, imo probably. For every story you hear about shrimp working with a fish there is another of the same fish hunting shrimp relentlessly. And sometimes fish that haven’t hurt a shrimp in months will start attacking them. My advice is if you care about your shrimp a lot, don’t add anything else. If you really want fish and are willing to take a risk, go ahead.

  2. I plan on buying like 10 shrimp and leaving them alone in the tank for a month to multiply. Once I have a ton I figure it doesn’t matter if the fish pick a couple of the population won’t ever be completely decimated.

    I have no actual experience with this, it just sounds like it will work from everything I’ve read.

  3. I have a 29 gallon high cherry red shrimp in a planted tank with a school of 10 neon tetras and 10 harlequin rasboras. I have lots of places for the shrimp to hide but I often see them out and about and the fish don’t seem to bother them.
    I also have a tall 5 gallon heavily planted with shrimp, 7 celestial pearl danios and a female betta and again no issues. I think if you want both it needs to be heavily planted with lots of places for shrimp to hide.

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