Is that this a low high quality bebe shrimp? Ought to I separate him

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  1. It looks vaguely female to me, but yes it’s a wild type. You can remove from this tank, but wilds are interesting in their own way imo 🙂 You can get a lot of variation in color and patterns in them

  2. I would say he is LQ. I would cull. “Wild” colors for neos are brown so he could just be one that the red didnt take to and reverted.

  3. Looks like it’s 24k gold

  4. Looks like a wild type neo. Best separate it so your bloodline doesn’t get ruined.

  5. I would take it out to prevent it, breathing with your pure bred shrimp, to avoid more wild type production, because they are low grade, but if you don’t care about grade and you like the look of them and you don’t plan to sell, I would keep it in, but wilds don’t really sell so if you want to sell them, I would take it out

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