  1. Based on your chemistry test kits those results are functionally zero since they’re reading the below minimal detection limits. So at least for your ammonia cycle that doesn’t look like it’s the issue.

    I can’t really tell from the video, but that looks like a male searching for a female that’s ready to mate to me. Those dudes will dash around like mad if they can smell the pheromones female shrimp release when they’re saddled and freshly molted.

  2. Zoomies, my shrimp do it too sometimes, one of them daily

  3. Why do you have any ammonia or nitrite?

  4. Ammonia should be 0

  5. Looks like mating behavior. Usually male in search of female but I agree, this one looks pretty female with the saddle

  6. Heard males zoom around when they sniff out a female thats ready to mate.

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