If I add fish to my tank will my shrimp be massacred?

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  1. Chilli rasboras.beautiful little fish. I have 30 in my shrimptank.

  2. dang that’s a nice tank

  3. If I put my rainbowfish in their at noon time they’d probably kill/eat all 200 shrimp by dinner time and still be begging for food.

    They never stop moving and love pecking at all my Malaysian trumpet snails (including adult shrimp sized ones), attempting to eat them and spitting out the shells. Anything that moves they lazer onto and try to take a bite

    My peacock gudgeons tried to eat everything in the tank including bigger fish and even each other. They shredded the antennas of a mystery snail and he didn’t move for like a week after I switched him to a new tank.

    I’d personally never put the gudgeons in with rainbows because rainbows will out compete everyone for food, even trying to massively overfeed to get some food to my bottom dwellers the rainbows would still attack the substrate and gobble it all up once they finished whatever was floating. I couldn’t do sinking wafers because the rainbows just gorge on them and end up bloated and constipated

    I think with Corys or smaller schooling/peaceful fish a population that large would do fine though

  4. I have no experience with the fish you listed but I have Cory catfish and Ember Tetras and they don’t kill my shrimp even when it was a tiny guy.

  5. gudgeons *might* kill shrimp during breeding, but in my experience, they usually intimidate more than they attack. as for rainbowfish, they get big enough i could foresee it being an issue

  6. Here’s the fish I’ve “successfully kept with shrimp”.

    Guppies – They will hunt babies but that’s about it. The shrimp will generally out populate the predation.

    Betta – This has been hit or miss. I’ve had 2 Bettas that did not care about shrimp at all, and I betta sat one for 4 weeks that annihilated the population in my cull shrimp tank, down to 30-40 from 200+.

    American Flag Fish: Had them in an outdoor planted tank with shrimp and dwarf crays and surprisingly the shrimp population grew a little (from 30 initial to ~50 over 4 months). Something was definitely eating the shrimp though.

    Daisy’s Rice Fish: Currently have them with a bunch of pinto shrimp that I’ve acclimated to higher temps. They initially harassed and killed like 30 out of 300 shrimp in the tank but now mostly just eat the worms and snail egg sacks (plus the food).

    White Cloud Mountain minnows: Basically left the shrimp alone, but would eat the babies occasionally. I’m pretty sure the shrimp also ate some of the minnow eggs so it’s roughly even.

    It’s also important to note how many of the potentially predatory fish you add to the tank. The more you add the more likely your shrimp get eaten or killed.

    In any case, the shrimp population will eventually taper off, you won’t have exponential growth. There can be surprising a lot of shrimp in a tank.Earlier this year, I purchased a 10 gallon cherry and red blue rili tank from a keeper who was leaving the hobby. Cohabitating with a betta were about 250 shrimp!

  7. pretty tank 🙂 i think a nano schooling fish would look lovely in a huge group

  8. I have a 20 gallon tank with blue dream shrimp, guppies, diamond head neon tetras, and pygmy corydora. Nobody bothers anyone.

  9. The fish i have kept with shrimp in my 55g
    Dwarf gourami
    Honey gourami
    Cherry barb
    Harliquin rasbora
    Neon tetra
    Cory catfish
    Bristle nose pleco
    Hillstream loach

    In my 29g
    Kuhli loach

    I wouldnt try the full sized rainbow fish, just too big, peacock i got no clue, but you got plenty of options for smaller fish^^

  10. As long as you don’t mind the fact that they’re teeny-tiny, I would suggest nano rainbowfish. I have some very cute Spotted Blue-Eyes. I think they may pick off a shrimplet now and then, but you said you could live with that.

    As a bonus, I think they have similar water requirements to Peacock Gudgeons, so those aren’t out of the question either.

  11. Maybe add some foreground vegetation?

  12. Depends what fish

  13. I have rummynose, neons, guppies, otos, and danios in my 75. They haven’t bothered my cherry shrimps at all.

    As long as the shrimp doesn’t fit in the fish’s mouth and with cover (aka plants), you’d be fine.

  14. The fish you listed probably will. If you got a carpeting plant in there or a lot of moss then a colony of 200 shrimp could probably survive pretty well with just about any fish that’s too small to eat the adults. Endlers would be great.

  15. My neocaridinas blue velvet share a 150 l tank with 6 corydoras, 2 ancistrus, and 4 Puntius titteya (no idea how do you say it in English).
    No problem at all, not a single attack attempt

  16. I have peacock and amanos together. But the peacocks would eat smaller shrimp for sure.

  17. I am in nearly the same situation. 75 gallon, started with a little over 20 shrimp, I have maybe 300 now. I keep thinking about fish, but then I also keep thinking about how much I love my shrimp. I’m thinking of chili rasboras, but that’s the only fish I would have with my shrimpies.

  18. Are Red Embers really safe with shrimp? 15/10/23 Hangover 90

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