I wish to preserve shrimp however am nervous about tds from my faucet.

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  1. TDS isn’t useful info, as it’s “total dissolved solids” and shrimp need minerals so there’ll always be plenty. Rising TDS in a tank is motivation to do more frequent larger water changes.

    Is the KH and GH of your tap in healthy ranges?

  2. I set up an RO Buddie in my apartment using my cold water outlet and T adapter so that’s an option. I did notice however for my neos, that they seem to be thrive more when I use tap water instead of the RO water. I have yet to start my caridina shrimp so I can’t compare that yet, could be I wasn’t raising the TDS high enough

  3. As others said TDS isn’t too important. I’ve kept bloody marys in ~400 TDS and went from 10 to 100+ shrimp in a 10 gallon. But if you’re keeping more sensitive shrimp then yeah remineralized RODI is the way to go.

  4. RO filters from Walmart should be fine, just make SURE you test the water. If it’s 0 or close then it’s fine and you can just remineralize that

    Home RO filters are good too. I got an RO buddie for like 100 bucks on Amazon and it works great, they’re just very slow. Takes a couple hours to fill a 5 gallon bucket. That’s no problem for my 10 gallon tank but it looks like you’ve got at least 20 here.

    I also live in an apartment. My RO filter came with an adapter that screws right into my faucet. Just unscrew the aerator and it screws right in, just make sure you don’t have some fancy pants faucet with a weird proprietary aerator. I have to fill downstairs and lug 40 pounds of water up the stairs to my office

  5. Don’t know anything about RO systems but I can tell you that I have very hard tap water (GH 22,5 and KH 17,3) and my shrimp thrive and reproduce like crazy.

  6. What tds is your tap water? Mine are absolutely thriving and mine is usually over 250. Everytime any additive is introduced to the water column it increases tds, so it’s good to pay attention too, but not the end all, be all of measurements.

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