  1. Four caridina shrimp for $42 plus shipping does not sound like you were cheated imo….especially if you love their looks and they are healthy.

    In all honesty, no one else’s opinion matters but your own…

    I say enjoy them and post updated pictures once they settle in….best of luck 👍🏼

  2. The craziest part is the font on your phone

  3. I wouldn’t say a rip off but definitely on the higher side of the price range. Check out /r/aquaswap there are some great shrimp sellers on there.

  4. Make sure to separate as they will breed and eventually lose their desired features

  5. They look pretty cool to me

  6. They look beautiful honestly. I hope they grow and thrive in your tank!

  7. Absolutely beautiful specimens!!!

  8. Nice looking skrimps right there

  9. The one on slide 6 is so cool

  10. Do you have active substrate in your tank?

  11. Ur rich..

  12. ermagherd new skrimpies

  13. I just got mine at a store 10 blues for $60 mix of adults, one pregnant, few babies. But I’d give them a few days to chill, I’d look into the company policy there may be nothing they can do about the coloring if it’s the right breed. But at the end of the day shrimps are shrimp regardless of the coloring, hopefully their little personalities 🦐 will grow on you

  14. That sounds pretty good coverting to gbp my currency thats around what i paid

  15. well i pay 56 dollars so yea

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