I discovered a shrimp in my aquatic vegetation..

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  1. From this angle it really looks like a scud to me and not a shrimp

  2. If I had known then what I know now, I would have killed the scuds with fire before allowing them in my tank

  3. scuds are evil. they got into my tank and wreaked havoc, and were impossible to get rid of. awful awful creatures.

  4. That’s a scud. Some people like them.

  5. It’s a pest. An amphipod, a scud.

  6. Scuds. Release it in the garden. There are likely eggs in your plants too

  7. Scud, burn it with fire unless you want an infestation in your tank!

  8. Aquatic isopods by the look of this, not curled enough for a scud, also scuds are easy to control with fish so even if it was a scud add some guppies or something small and predatory and u be fine

  9. A single pair of Scud can produce 20,000 more in a year.

    They range from 5-20mm (0.787 inches)

    They enjoy live foods too, and I’ve found grow best on an omnivore diet, I already use Repashy for other tanks, so they also get some.

    I have an individual scud grow out tank, because they will eat what they can catch, or is slow moving/already weak.

    I’ve put as many as 200-500 in community tanks with little or no effect to the ecosystem, or even a continued generational matrix of scud.

    Depending on tank stock of course, but Sparkling Pygmy Gourami are world enders for Scud i’ve found.

    Alternatively, these are about 1.25 inches at full length, and will decimate scud populations. [The Paradox Fish, Indostomus Paradoxus](https://imgur.com/a/tujzDMM) or Armored Stickleback, some places call it a Crocodile Toothpick Fish, which is Indostomus crocodilis, still tiny and cute, same purpose. But they’re micro predators, and with such small mouths can only effectively hunt scuds, daphnia, baby brine, etc.

    You’ll never reach harmful levels of scud with either of those in your tanks, and depending on how many are already in a tank, a pack of 4 sparkling pygmy gourami will take care of it very very fast.

  10. i had this exact thing happen, but with a blue cherry shrimp. cue me desperately trying to make a shrimp setup before my betta could kill it.

    thankfully i had a 1gal i used to keep isopods in that is now home to my shrimp and a ramshorn snail. getting him some buddies soon! i love watching him!!

  11. Scud. Not a shrimp

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