I added a banana plant and a few ahhhhhh leafy floating factor that had been overgrowing in my shrimp tank (I obtained like one…

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  1. 10 gallon tank.

    Stock list:

    Male galaxy giant betta

    I put 10 ghost shrimp in but I don’t know how many remain. The betta might have eaten some, i havent had the chance to do a headcount yet. I bought ghost shrimp because I want cherry shrimp in this tank but I’m unsure if the betta will eat shrimp or not, and ghost shrimp are cheap and easily digested.

    Assorted pink and black ramshorn snails, maybe 5 or 6 in total. They breed and the betta eats the children. In the previous tank i just left the shells on the ground but in this one I’ll probably remove them for aesthetics.

    Two Japanese trapdoor snails. We shall see if the children survive. I sell them locally so I’ve got them in all my tanks to make as many children as possible.

    A handful of mutt guppy fry. Testing my bettas hinting skills to see if they survive. I had a guppy explosion and I sell them as feeders. Last year I put a small school of endlers in with my betta and he ate them all in a month. So we are seeing if he is compatible with tankmates yet. He was in a 25 gallon at that point in time but I had to downsize him and use the 25 for a different fish.

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