  1. Oh my, they’re really packed in there lol!

  2. Like a clown car for snails.

  3. Must be the cat gene in them.

  4. So it’s also an effective snail trap! Too cute.

  5. Nobody expects the Snail Inquisition!

  6. They were all cuddling together and you ruined that?!?! Jk but they sure did perfectly fill in that dish.

  7. Could someone tell me which shrimp is on the left , with that long claws .
    Edit: just want to confirm if it’s Indian whisker , cause I got a load of it . Its a bit aggressive towards other shrimp . Won’t eat algea .
    I use it for feeding

  8. I love how the cherry shrimp (?) got the goods and took off

  9. LOL, well, it was a good idea on paper.

  10. I’m going to keep this in mind when I try to pull snails out of my tank next.

  11. This is the stuff I come here to see. I own no shrimp and no aquarium – I just love this sub.

  12. Does this count for r/shrimpridingsnails?

  13. Its a dinner bowl-ffet lol. They all thought it was great too!

  14. snails move fast for food lol

  15. Hahaha this is amazing

  16. if i fits i sits

  17. How are you keeping ghost shrimp alive?

  18. A neat food dish i use is a “Monkey pot” i got in a tannin sampler i got. Its like an acorn top, just the size of a fist. Snails will find there way into areas you wouldnt think they should be a able to fit in.

  19. That snail shell is super healthy looking!

  20. Is the grey one a result of multi colored shrimp together? I’m told that’s what happens

  21. “No snail was harmed in this video”, but afterwards… 😉

    Thanks for sharing the vid, that’s really cute!

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