How typically do you feed your shrimp?

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  1. I feed mine pretty much daily as long as yesterdays food is completely gone

  2. About three times a week, but during the summer I was away for a few months and my neighbour fed them once every 1-2 weeks, and they were still happy and making babies.

  3. Daily, even though there is plenty of other food in the tank. They eat all of it within 1 hour.

    100-200 neocardinia, 25 hillstream fry

  4. 1-3 times a week.

  5. I would recommend getting a dish and putting the food in there so you know how much is left every time you go to feed them. I feed mine every other day but there is plenty to eat in the tank plus I have around 12-15 shrimps, two crayfish, 10-15 snails. Sometimes I skip two days if I still see food in the dish.

  6. Daily. Some of the smaller colonies I might do every other day just depends if they have left overs or not. But the large colonies get daily feedings. I might feed less if I see algae in the tank.

    There are also other fish in most of my larger colonies so I try to make sure they have few reasons to eat babies.

  7. I add bacterAE into my tank every other day and feed some other food like flakes or wafers the other days. They get cucumber every other week and some sort of frozen protein too

  8. Maybe once every few weeks.

  9. I like to do smaller, more frequent portions. 1/4 of an algae wafer every few days and occasionally protein/veggie supplements.

  10. depends what you’re feeding them, the number of shrimp, the size of the tank, how well planted it is, the kind of filtration.

    but i usually feed mine every 3rd day or so plus i have almond leaves as a stay in food source they can nibble on if they get hungry plus its a 4 foot tank with lost of hardscape and plants and Christmas moss. so its got plenty of bio film. overfeeding is easy to spot. if the food is still there 2 days after feeding thats too much food. half the amount until its all gone in 24 hours or so. unless you want a planaria or other vermin overload its better to slightly underfeed than over feed. most shrimp are hardy and as scavengers they can get by with less.

    there might be an argument that less food might produce hardier shrimp but im not qualified to make that statement but have heard it said by others. i tend to take a more balanced approach. if you dont know take the moderate approach.

  11. Thanks for all the feedback! Seems to vary greatly based on number of shrimp and tank set up, but I have a good idea for how to proceed.👌

  12. There was just another post here where someone was insisting that everyone overfeeds their shrimp.

    My tank has adult shrimp, baby shrimp, snails and detritus worms. I feed a wafer every 3rd day or so. I may get one of the dishes because I don’t enjoy watching the detritus worms compete with the rest for food.

  13. I feed mine 4 times a week, and they’ve been doing great. I started with two and there are hundreds now.

  14. every 2 or 3 days same for my fish but somehow my fish are still on the fatter side

  15. Is it just me, or do I think that plant is fittonia.

  16. Well basically daily, i feed my corys bloodworms or brine shrimp daily, but my shrimp eat from this as well. I sometimes also give tablets which the shrimp also eat from.

    My shrimp get specific food for them every 2 days I’d say but corys eat from that as well.

    So basically daily. Everything is gone within an hour

  17. Every 2 days so 3x a week.

  18. I typically try and over feed my fish (ember tetras) by a tiny bit every day. Then every other day or so I’ll add something a little extra for them like skrimp pellets or a wafer or two.

  19. I feed my shrimp once every week, I have a 55 G with 70% planted. Basically I feed them when I see them swimming around a lot, usually means they’re hungry. Bio-load grows fast in a big tank as it takes weeks to eat the whole bio load for now as the number of shrimp and frys are under 100. Keeps Planaria away especially that I have loaches to eat them up and keeping the feeding down to a natural level.

  20. I don’t target feed them in my fish tank and I drop a small meat tab in my heavily planted tank like every other week

  21. I have a penn-plax auto feeder that feeds twice a day

  22. 3 times a week they have plenty of leaf litter too

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