Hey guys, Sorry for the dangerous picture high quality, however is it possibly potential to inform what sort of shrimp that is? Somebody gave me…

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  1. It’s a wild type Neocaridina with a back stripe (AKA racing stripe). The stripe typically develops and gets thicker as they age.

  2. It’s a wild type but I keep thinking “holy shit you got shrimp for free?!”

  3. It’s a really nice Neocaridina, wild color. Put some cherrys in there!!

  4. not to pick on you , the only thing i can say with this kind of pics…..
    it is 100% a shrimp.

    look like a neocridina , but that about as far as i can go

  5. Thank you all! I got a dozen mixed “skittles” and now have two very large fellas (or girls) that look like this, a few partial blue and some reds. The new, young reds are partly clear in some cases. Two dozen now… They’re fascinating.

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