Hey guys is that this a cherry shrimp or another form? It has lighter pinkish stripe on its again. And the way can I inform…

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  1. Yes cherry shrimp, the racing stripe is nothing to worry about, they seem to develop fairly randomly and change after each moult. That’s a female, males tend to be less opaque, have a thin tail with exposed legs and no saddle bridging their head to their body. Look up cherry shrimp gender comparisons, they’re pretty easy to sex once you’ve seen them side by side.

  2. Yeah they are fine, neo tends to develop weird colour patterns, this is a female, and female have deeper, richer, all-round better colouring. Females also are bigger generally, and when they are about to be pregnant, they have a yellow “saddle” on their back, which yours have.

  3. Could be Bloody Mary Shrimp? Where it’s the flesh that’s coloured, not the shell. At least that’s what I think they are called in India

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